A Holy Moment with Jonathan Illya

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When Jesse and Jeremiah saw baby Jonathan for the first time I could hardly believe how long these two fellas stood there to watch – probably five minutes.  On the ledge, peering through the big window where Jonathan lay asleep, they each somehow seemed to recognize his significance and accordingly allow him space into their worlds: Jeremiah by incessantly pointing his finger and exclaiming “Bay-beeee!” and Jesse by promising “I’m going to keep an eye on him, my new brother..what’s his name again?”  

Jonathan is significant, beyond significant, and I will not spell out all of those ways here.  Let it simply be said that as we were holding him, sitting in the peaceful stillness of the tired night, we couldn’t help but feel caught up in something amazingly personal yet widely grand. Even beyond the immeasurable joy we have to simply have another child, this baby represents a greater gift.  In this fragile little vessel is the subtle reminder that God has always chosen life over death. Although Jonathan Illya is no replacement for what has been lost, he is a palpable sign of things to come; a first ray of light whose warmth ensures us sometime soon God’s new day will dawn.  

This is, of course, not the first time God has chosen to make holy a quiet moment with a helpless child, but perhaps this is the first time we have really grasped something of how profound that first moment actually was.

We welcome you into this world Jonathan Illya Goran!  

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12 thoughts on “A Holy Moment with Jonathan Illya

  1. So tiny, so precious. Congratulations and thanks for sharing such touching thoughts. I am so glad to have friends and family who are still having babies and can remind us how truly miraculous every birth is. We get so caught up in the details that we don’t take time to ponder it in our hearts.

  2. What a beautiful welcome for your precious little Jonathan Illya. I know your hearts are as full as your hands! Enjoy your newest blessing! Congrats to you both!

  3. Choosing the way of life — restoring, healing, resurrecting God — thank you for this beloved child, and bless and keep his brothers and his parents. May they walk in the Way that leads to life all of their days.

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